Val Hogan


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Layers of Change

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Layers of Change RVA is a pioneering nonprofit organization dedicated to uplifting the underserved within our transgender and gender non-conforming community in Richmond, Virginia.
Founded on the principles of solidarity, empowerment, and mutual respect, our mission is to address the profound disparities and injustices faced by the most underserved within the TGNC community. In the embryonic stages of our journey, we are focused on creating a robust support network that provides not just tangible resources but also advocacy, education, and a platform for voices that are too often silenced. As we await our 501(c)(3) status, we are eager to collaborate with local businesses and organizations to weave a stronger, more inclusive fabric of support across Richmond.


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Member Bio
"I am passionate about sculpting a world where justice dances hand in hand with joy, and where every voice, however faint, finds its echo in the chorus of change."

Val Hogan is an emerging professional poised at the intersection of massage therapy, social work, and LGBTQ advocacy. With a dedication to blending holistic health practices with social work principles, Val aims to uplift marginalized communities.

Through extensive volunteer work and activism, Val has made significant contributions to Roanoke Pride, the University of Richmond, and the Green Workers Alliance, among others. These experiences have not only refined Val's community support and engagement skills but also deepened their commitment to advocating for disabled individuals within and beyond the LGBTQ community.

Val's passion for mental health advocacy complements their holistic approach to well-being, emphasizing mental health as a critical component of overall health and inclusivity. This commitment is further embodied in their initiative, Layers of Change RVA, a project dedicated to supporting the transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) community in Richmond. Layers of Change RVA seeks to provide a supportive network that offers respect, resources, and empowerment to those most in need, marrying Val's interests in direct service, education, and community solidarity.

Joining the Richmond LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce is a strategic and meaningful step for Val. Eager to connect with like-minded professionals and businesses, Val aims to expand their network, share insights, and collaborate on initiatives that promote inclusivity, health, and advocacy. Through Layers of Change RVA and their broader advocacy work, Val is passionate about creating a more equitable world, demonstrating the transformative power of community solidarity and holistic support.
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